Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Calendar Contest

For a number of years now, I have attended the Horizons Unlimited gathering of moto travellers which is held in Nakusp B.C. in late August.  These events have always been inspiring, informative, and a great way to learn about the world of bike touring.

The organizers of these meets, Grant and Susan Johnson, have sponsored a photo contest, with the goal of identifying 12 photos which exemplify the culture of motorcyles and world travel.  In order to provide some incentive for moto travellers, they have organized  prizes which are designed to encourage riders to photograph  their rides and share them with the world.

The rules for the 2015 calendar are straightforward, and the significant critieria is that a motorcycle, or parts thereof, must be in the photo.

I have included most of the photos which I have shot during my ride to Ushuaia in this posting. I think that most of them fit the criteria.  Because of my unnatural love affair with Blondy, I am somewhat biased when it comes to photo quality and substance, and I will be the first to admit that I need a lot of  help in deciding which of the photos should be considered for submission to Grant and Susan's contest.

For the folks who did follow my blog  as I travelled, this exercise may seem repetitive, but it may also serve to remind you of the wonderful vistas that there to see in this world.  I am hoping that my friends will share this particular posting with their friends so that the photos are critiqued by as many different points of view as possible.  If each viewer were to comment on what they feel are the top five or six photos from the samples below, I will have a much clearer idea of which pictures to submit to the contest.

I am hoping that my friends will provide constructive comments and provide me with clear direction as to those half a dozen photos that they feel are worth submitting.

I am grateful for your input and I appreciate your help with this task.....






 I appreciate the time and effort that you have taken to view and comment on the photos. I hope that the selection gives a better idea of the opportunities available for motorcycle travellers.