Thursday, February 7, 2013

Buenos Aires

Arrived in Buenos Aires late on Wednesday after another grinding 500 plus kilometers on the straight of Argentina.  Thankfully the wind was down, although the idiot factor was up.  I have an observation: the straighter the roads and the smaller the cars means that the idiot driver coefficient increases exponentially.  I couldn't believe guys who are tailgating me at 120 kph, and somebody in the Argentinian hiways department who decied to scarify the hiways to deal with rainfall.   bitch, bitch...

Perhaps I am a bit cranky because a visit to the Brazilian consulate today brought no joy.  One must make an appointment online, in order to have an interview for a visa, and through the magic of the interweb, the earliest available appointment date is two weeks from I guess I won't be going up the Amazon.

I am also somewhat disapointed that I did not see some seal blood on the last day before Buenos Aires.  We had visited Peninsula Valdes over a couple of hundred kilometers of ripio in order to see a large sea lion colony.  The highlight of the trip was the chance to see some killer whales come up on the beach and chew on baby seals.

The peninsula hosted a smaller colony of Magellenic penguins, and the lagoon created by the large sandbar was quite spectacular.

There were lots of horses on different estancias throughout the peninsula.  All of them were very healthy and strong looking...

 Don't these guys look delicious?

The idea is that these guys come out of the ocean, at high tide, and have a snack...

You Tube has a much better reporting on the beach and the Orca's snacking habits....